Arch Linux - Why I like it more than Windows

Linux is not the main option of people and daily PC / Laptop users due to its "complexity". As the famous saying goes "Linux is free, if you don't value your time", which goes to show the hostility every other OS and average PC user hold towards just another Operative System. In the next paragraphs I will present how Linux just made things more useful and easier for me when I started daily driving it instead of Windows.

A picture of an Arch Linux Rice
Arch Linux rice, blessing my eyes.

Linux is entirely free and based on command-line functionality. Such way of operating it , makes the average user go "mad" trying to memorize lines or even trying to approach the terminal (which may be called Command Prompt, for my fellow Windows Users). This though, has its incredibly pros, where you don't need to deal with installation wizards, strange pop-ups, having to download extra programs by mistake due to it shows as an ad etc. Everything is much simpler, and due to the fact that it neglects GUI, is also faster.

Linux doesn't stop you from accessing files on its system. No, for Linux, little does it care. This allows you to have full control on your PC. You don't need to "Run as Administrator" thousands of times until Windows allows you to do such, all you do is "sudo" on the terminal and is game over. You can customize the grub, even! Linux won't care. You own the PC , you do whatever you want with it. And what if you break the system? Just reinstall it again , it won't take more than 30 minutes ('cuz fuck bloats and 2hrs of rotating circle to perform an update).

Plethora of choices my friend! You can pick whatever distribution of Linux you want! Each with its own pros and cons. You don't have to stick to your boring ass Windows all day, and doing its updates as if you were his slave. Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, Manjaro, Fedora etc all free.

Remember when I said you can do whatever you want with its files? Well this means you can customize it to the bones! With what in exchange? For your Pc to heat as if you were using Rainmeter? No, ha! The rice I have shown in the image uses just about 500mb of RAM idle. Haven't seen 1 single Windows with that level of customization and 500mb of ram. Heck , it won't even get near and it will boot with 4gigs of ram already in use.

When it comes to coding, how can you even compare? Every distro has built in functions. And apart from that my guy, terminal is there to make installations and configurations ten times easier. Who wants a damn wizard!

I can hear you... "Oh but you can't game on it, and don't mention ProtonDB. Most people who use Linux have very low end laptops or PCs so they can't have any use of Proton". Well mates, you are true. Gaming was a big no-no for Linux users back in the day but ProtonDB solved the case for any type of game. But what kind of ancient machine couldn't access Proton? If that machine can't access Proton then even if it had Windows, still it couldn't game shit , so yeah.. Still gaming is an extra point for Windows.

Sooo, not really here to force you all use Linux, but if gaming doesn't really bother you , then buy a stacked-ass laptop, install Linux on it and you have an ever-lasting device.